The Battle Has Been Won

The Battle Has Been Won

Anyone who has seen combat will tell that you don't know how you will respond until your time comes in battle.

Friends, we, as Christians, are in a battle. We joined this battle when we put our faith in Christ and received His righteousness and perfection.

It is a battle that has been going since Adam and Eve disobeyed God and it is a battle that will continue until Jesus returns - though it's important to know: the battle has already been won.

Alright, so here is the current status of the battle...

We are being flanked.

The government told us during the pandemic to stop gathering to worship the Lord who made the heavens and earth.

The entertainment industry tells us that when we obey and submit to God's Word, we are racist and bigoted and sexist.

The education system tells us that our children should be protected by the state and not the parents.

The politicians tell us that marriage is not between a man and woman, but any two or more people or things that love each other.  

And the latest is a direct rebellion against God by saying that each individual will decide whether he or she is a man or woman.  

For many, it feels like our country is lost. And for others, they will fight to the end to save it. They seek political or legislative solutions. Or they stand up before the school boards and accuse them of wrong doing.

These can be helpful in the short term. But it will never stick without the Gospel.

There is a battle to establish truth. Even professing Christians are having to ask, "Is the truth found in Scripture? Or can it be found somewhere else?"

Many Christians today struggle to find the Truth. Sure, they say the Bible is true, but there seem to be other ideas that might make sense. And, in the end, they ask,  do we really KNOW what is true?

The situation has devolved to the point that many people can't tell what a woman is.

But the battle is always won with the Truth that comes from God, which is found in the Bible. And the battle is won when God's Truth is expressed in love and kindness and gentleness and faithfulness. That is because the battle is won in Christ and because of Christ, our Redeemer.

This why we are starting a church.  And we are doing it for the purpose of bringing the Gospel to bear on the greater Livingston area.

And not just any Gospel.

The true Gospel, found in pages of Scripture. The true Gospel begins in Genesis and ends in Revelation. It is the whole of Scripture. And it is THE Truth.

We have the answer for why the world is in turmoil and we have the answer for how to fix it.

And the Livingston Area needs to hear the Truth, needs to see the Truth, needs to understand the Truth, and needs to show the Truth to others.

The battle is raging in this country and in the Livingston area. As Christ's children, we carry the burden of shining the light of Gods Truth into the darkness.

How are you responding to the battle you are in?

We hope you will join us.

Call 931-303-4247 to talk with Richard Boureston and learn more.